MHAF Breaks Another Record
MHAF Breaks Another Record
December 16, 2017Kansas City, Missouri – The Midwest Highland Arts Fund (MHAF) Board of Directors reports today that the previous record of 271 solo contest entries, set in January, 2017, was broken with 313 solo entries recorded for the upcoming Winter Storm, January 12, 2018, piping and drumming contests.
The entry deadline was Midnight, December 15, 2017, and the record numbers are attributed, in part, to strong growth in the amateur piping and drumming contests.
Returning for 2018, Midwest Pipe Band Association (MWPBA), the Foundation Sponsor of Winter Storm, will use Winter Storm amateur piping contests as one of its Regional Qualifiers. MWPBA will invite the top three finishers in the Winter Storm North American Amateur Ceol Beag Championship, Grades 1, 2, and 3, to compete in MWPBA’s Terry McHugh Memorial Solo Piping Event. In addition, MWPBA will hold a separate Grade 4 piping qualifier contest in Kansas City on the Winter Storm Campus, concurrent with events at Winter Storm.
The Winter Storm contests, followed by an awards ceremony, will be held on the Winter Storm Campus, Kansas City, Missouri. January 12, 2018. 8:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M.
The full list of competitors, and order of play, will be published prior to the contests.
Many of the day’s contests, as well as the awards ceremony, will be live streamed.